Why is the #fatheringfrom campaign needed?
We support the efforts of black men and their families, from around the globe, as they share photos and videos of themselves with their children. There are many hashtags out there being used like #blackfathers, #blackdads #blackfathersmatter and many others promoted by fathers and organizations alike. Keep doing that! Keep doing you! #fatheringfrom is a campaign to amplify this social movement. Read more...
5 ways to support the #fatheringfrom campaign
1. Promote the presence of black fathers
Let’s share images of black fathers doing what they do, how they do it and where they are doing it. Hanging at the park, braiding hair, kissing boo-boos, visiting grandma, whatever it is- show it! Take a pic of a black father's fathering. Create a post on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc. Hashtag #yourlocation and #fatheringfrom.
2. Value the importance of the scholarship in hip-hop.
Share a hip-hop lyric about fatherhood. Let’s widen our knowledge base about fathers and families in black communities! Share examples of how we have been telling our story through music all along, despite stereotypes about the absentee black father.
3. Mark the importance of your voice to our story.
Your experience matters. Your voice counts. It makes up the patchwork quilt of the community-wide experience of being a black family in America. So go ahead and highlight your patchwork thread. Share your experience and welcome someone else's.
4. Uncover your own implicit bias and deepen the dialogue.
Everyone has opinions, but let us also acknowledge the facts. Everyone has their own experiences, but let us also see the patterns and recognize exceptions. We can do this through research and dialogue. One of the stunning findings from the book is the documentation of discriminatory bias against black fathers from not only outside the community but within it as well. What about you?
5. Spread the knowledge. Share the love.
If you appreciate the #fatheringfrom campaign, join it by sharing its content. If you have scholarship that can add to the campaign, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. so we can post it to the scholarship blackboard.