#fatheringfrom #yourlocation

Join the movement dedicated to showing the true face of black fatherhood

Despite many studies disproving the myth of black men as “deadbeat dads”, the stereotype still exists. Enough!

4. Uncover your own implicit bias and deepen the dialogue.

Everyone has opinions, but let us also acknowledge the facts. Everyone has their own experiences, but let us also see the patterns and recognize exceptions. We can do this through research and dialogue. One of the stunning findings from the book is the documentation of discriminatory bias against black fathers from not only outside the community but within it as well. What about you?

How does uncovering your implicit biases help? 

What are your biases about black men, black fathers, and black families? Uncover them, correct them and then deepen the dialogue. Take a look at the info tiles on the website’s Scholarship page. We will continue to update it with relevant information from a research study, a media report, artwork, or a current happening. Share the info tiles you like and add your perspective. Share and comment on the content in the info tiles and invite others to do the same. Reflect on your own personal truths while hearing out others. Follow #fatheringfrom or @fatheringfrom on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook for info tiles as they are added. 

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