#fatheringfrom #yourlocation

Join the movement dedicated to showing the true face of black fatherhood

Despite many studies disproving the myth of black men as “deadbeat dads”, the stereotype still exists. Enough!

5. Spread the knowledge. Share the love.

If you appreciate the #fatheringfrom campaign, join it by sharing its content. If you have scholarship that can add to the campaign, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. so we can post it to the scholarship blackboard. 


How does sharing the knowledge posted on the scholarship backboard and in the book help?

People don't know what they know until they do! In other words, just because the information is out there, that doesn't mean people have access to it or will pay attention to it. Sharing the knowledge of scholarship of all kinds help us to expand what we know by reaching people in different ways to help them make connections that aren't that easy to see. It also helps to initiate dialogues and conversations that can help move us a little bit closer to truth. Fathering from the Margins provides evidence that many people will deny the actual presence and positive actions of black fathers even when it's right in their faces. Some of that denial is influenced by enduring academic and popular misunderstandings of black communities that plague us all. Fortunately, for some of us, all it takes is new information that forces us to think a little differently. It is our hope that the book and the info tiles posted on the Scholarship tab of this website will act as stimuli for seeing black fathers and families clearer no matter who you are. 
If you appreciate the scholarship of the book, you can support it by reviewing the book on Amazon or Goodreads, on your blog, on Facebook, or anywhere else you like to hash out ideas. Do you have a little extra cash? Buy and gift a book to someone who could benefit from it, but may not be able to afford that hefty university textbook price. Donate it to a community group or nonprofit that works with fathers and families. Advocate that your local public library or local college carry it so anyone who wants to can have access to it. 

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