#fatheringfrom #yourlocation

Join the movement dedicated to showing the true face of black fatherhood

Despite many studies disproving the myth of black men as “deadbeat dads”, the stereotype still exists. Enough!

3. Mark the importance of your voice to our story.

Your experience matters. Your voice counts. It makes up the patchwork quilt of the community-wide experience of being a black family in America. So go ahead and highlight your patchwork thread. Share your experience and welcome someone else's.


How does sharing your story or your perspective help?

It lets our story be an inclusive, nuanced one. Help represent the diversity of experiences of black family life. Help us to identify our commonalities but also acknowledge our differences. Seeing multiple experiences and perspectives within the category of black family life moves us away from monolithic depictions to nuanced descriptions of who black fathers are. Black fathers are everywhere if we just open our eyes, rid ourselves of old false one-dimensional narratives and see them in context. Whatever that context may be. So, ignite a dialogue. Share your story with your network and #fatheringfrom or tag us on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter. Comment on a question posed by #fatheringfrom or offer your own. 

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